New Manger
The committee are excited to announce that Georgina Potter will be taking over management of the club and bar area from tomorrow. George is a familiar face at the club and has years of experience in the operating of the club, and its members. George is very keen to get started and support our current staff in rebuilding the club after the Covid-19 pandemic. I’m sure all of our members will join the committee in welcoming and supporting George in her new role. All secretarial and function room queries should still be directed to Liz Tibble; Peter Noone (chairman) will continue maintaining our cellar and line cleaning. Stacey Couch will resume his newly appointed role as treasurer.
Live Music
We are also excited to announce that live music will be returning in October. Initially, it will be every other Saturday, but we’ll look at moving back to a more regular schedule as we return to normal. Do you have any suggestions on any bands or singers you’d like to see at the club? If so, then please head over to Facebook or reply to this email with any suggestions.
Covid Restrictions
As you may have noticed, we have now removed the perspex barrier we constructed during the first lockdown. Hopefully, with government guidance and with our members and staff safety in mind, this will continue.
The committee would like to take this opportunity to thank our members for their continued support and patronage while we hopefully get back to normal. Any questions, please reply to